

Women’s Health East is the women’s health promotion agency for Melbourne’s east. We improve health outcomes for women across the seven local government areas of Yarra Ranges, Knox, Maroondah, Manningham, Monash, Whitehorse and Boroondara. Women’s Health East also influences women’s health and wellbeing at a statewide and national level.

Advance Gender Equality

Prevent Violence Against Women

Improve Sexual and Reproductive Health

News & Events

disabled young people holding Get the Go-Ahead booklets
WHE logo with black text that shows support for the Voice to Parliament

What’s Happening:

Watch it Back – COVID AND WOMEN: Shining a light on Gender, Inequality and the Pandemic – Forum

Thanks to everyone who attended WHE’s Women and COVID forum back in September! The presentations and panel discussion unpacked the gendered impacts of the global pandemic for women and the way forward for a gender equal recovery. We were joined by experts Tanja Kovac, CEO of Gender Equity Victoria (GENVIC),  Jane Fisher, Finkel Professor of … READ MORE