Together for Respect at Home – Social Media Campaign
The COVID-19 pandemic presents new, unprecedented concerns and challenges for our community. In response to this complex issue, members from the Together for Equality and Respect (TFER) Partnership have developed this social marketing campaign aimed at promoting safe, healthy, connected and respectful relationship at home. This campaign takes a collaborative and evidence-based approach to prevent violence against women during the pandemic through promoting respectful relationships and positive mental health and wellbeing strategies.
For more information, please contact Brianna Myors on or 9259 4200.
Together for Respect at Home Holiday Communications Guide – DECEMBER 2020
In addition to the original 9 social media tiles, 8 new tiles have been redesigned to promote equality and respect during the holiday period (tiles 10 – 17). These new tiles were released in December 2020. Organisations can choose the order and pace with which they share the tiles. Some topics have multiple tiles to choose from. Each organisation can select the design that best suits their community needs. All campaign tiles can be downloaded at the bottom of the page.
Download the holiday period communication guide here and tiles below:
Together for Respect at Home Communications Guide – AUGUST 2020
Download the latest communication guide here and the tiles below:
Facebook & LinkedIn Social Media Tiles
Facebook_Tile Thirteen_Holiday
Facebook_Tile Seventeen_Holiday
Twitter Social Media Tiles
Twitter _Tile Thirteen_Holiday
Twitter _Tile Seventeen_Holiday
Instagram Social Media Tiles
Instagram _Tile Eleven_Holiday
Instagram _Tile Twelve_Holiday
Instagram _Tile Thirteen_Holiday
Instagram _Tile Forteen_Holiday
Instagram _Tile Fifteen_Holiday
Instagram _Tile Sixteen_Holiday
Instagram _Tile Seventeen_Holiday
De-branded tiles are available here for use outside of the Eastern Metro Region
New resources:
The past few months have been an extremely difficult for many of us, made especially hard for those who may live in fear of their own safety. EDVOS seen an increase in all family violence services and a significant increase of risk to women and children experiencing family violence during this time
To continue their support in providing important messages around respectful relationships and safety, the Together For Respect At Home have just released some new resources. We are excited to share with you the following resources which have developed in partnership with specialist services:
- A video promoting the messages of the campaign and resources
- An A3/A4 poster with specialist family violence supports and services translated into Cantonese, Mandarin, Hakha chin and Hindi
- A set of 4 social media tiles with translated content to be shared on social media
- An email banner for organisations to use in their promotion of the campaign
More Resources:
Video promoting the messages of the campaign and resources
Social media tiles – Burmese (Falam Chin, Hakha Chin, Karen, Mizo, Zomi Chin) ZIP folder
Email banner promoting translations
Email banner promoting campaign
Backlash Resources
In the event of online backlash comments to the Together for Respect at Home campaign, below are some additional resources as well as the suggested responses within the campaign guide. Please also consider your own organisational policies in dealing with online comments.
TFER Resource – Negative Backlash
Suggested responses to Family Violence Social Media Responses from Our Watch