Margins to the Mainstream: preventing violence against women with disabilities is a unique, evidence-based project to prevent violence against women with disabilities. It is an exemplar of intersectional primary prevention that has been tested, refined and evaluated. The model is ready for state-wide expansion to drive long-term, sustainable change towards equality and safety for women with disabilities across Victoria.
The Women’s Health Service network is calling on the Victorian Government to expand funding for the state-wide expansion of this proven program.
The online launch of Margins to Mainstream: Preventing violence against women with disabilities (M2M) and the Women’s Health Service Network’s bid for investment in the 2025-26 Victorian state budget will be held 11am – 12pm on 25 November 2024.
For more information visit Women’s Health Services Network website or email
Summary report. Margins to the Mainstream: an innovative and proven project to prevent violence against women with disabilities: Summary report summarises the project and findings (including findings from the 2022-2024 evaluation report).
Full evaluation report. Margins to the Mainstream: preventing violence against women with disabilities project, Impact and Outcomes Evaluation Report (1 January 2023 – 30 June 2024) is the second and final evaluation report.