
16 Ways to Call it Out in the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence campaign

Women’s Health East (WHE) in partnership with the Together for Equality and Respect partnership has developed the following social media campaign toolkit to assist organisations and groups across the Eastern Metropolitan Region (EMR) of Melbourne to participate in the 2020 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign (16 Days Campaign).

This year’s campaign aligns with the Respect Victoria state-led theme ‘Respect women: Call It Out’. The campaign titled 16 Ways to Call it Out in the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, promotes ways of calling out sexism, discrimination and gender inequality. The campaign has been designed to align with the Respect Victoria resources as well as incorporating the active bystander evidence base of Our Watch and VicHealth.

Get involved – use the social media toolkits and campaign assets below and promote the campaign across social media. Make sure you hashtags #16Days16Ways #CallitOut

Like and follow WHE’s social pages to stay informed, like, share and join the conversation across the 16 Days.

What is 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence?

16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence is an global campaign to challenge violence against women and girls. The campaign runs every year from November 25th, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to December 10th, Human Rights Day.

The awareness raising campaign promotes collective action to prevent violence against women and girls. The campaign uses the bright and optimistic colour orange, to represent a future free from violence against women and girls, as a unifying theme running through all of its global activities.

For more information about the Global 16 Days campaign check out: www.16dayscampaign.org

Campaign materials

There are two options in which parters can engage with the campaign.

Option 1:

16 Social Media Posts toolkit

This toolkit provides 16 social media tiles to be posted over 16 posts with accompanying text for Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter, as well as image description text to support accessibility of the campaign.

Option 2:

5 Grouped Social Media Posts toolkit

This toolkit provides 16 social media tiles to be posted over 5 posts, using a grouped format, with accompanying text for Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter, as well as image description text to support accessibility of the campaign.

16 Days Social Media Tiles

Email signature

Website banner

Managing resistance and backlash Resources

In the event of online backlash, comments below are some resources which provide guidance and suggested text to respond and manage. Please also consider your own organisational policies in dealing with online comments.

TFER Resource – Negative Backlash

Suggested responses to Family Violence Social Media Responses from Our Watch

Safety and support services

If you or someone you know is currently experiencing or has experienced family violence and would like to seek help or support contact:

If you are in immediate danger, call the police on 000

Safe Steps

24 hour state-wide confidential family violence response support and information for women, young people and children experiencing family violence 1800 015 188 www.safesteps.org.au


Specialist family violence service in Melbourne’s eastern metropolitan region (03) 9259 4200 www.edvos.org.au

Boorndawan Willam Aboriginal Healing Service

Lead specialist Aboriginal Specific family violence service that provides a service in the Eastern Metropolitan Region. They provide services to Aboriginal Families, including men, women, children and the extended family. (03) 9212 0200 www.bwahs.com.au bwahs@bwahs.com.au

CASA House (Centre Against Sexual Assault)

24 hour telephone counselling, support and crisis care support following sexual assault (03) 9635 3610 www.casahouse.com.au

Men’s Referral Service

Professional support and information service for Australian men who use family violence. 24hour phone and online services 1300 766 491 www.ntv.org.au

For more information contact Katie at kmckee@whe.org.au