
WHE Strategic Plan 2017-2021 (pdf)

WHE Strategic Plan 2017-2021 (Word)

Our Strategic Priorities

Priority One – Advance gender equality;

Priority Two – Prevent violence against women;

Priority Three – Improve women’s sexual and reproductive health;

Priority Four – Strengthen our dynamic and sustainable organisation. 

Our Priority Outcomes

Priority One – Advance Gender Equality

Women experience increased equity and decreased discrimination.

Women can equitably participate in inclusive and liveable communities

Priority Two – Prevent Violence Against Women

Women benefit from coordinated, evidence informed action to prevent violence.

Organisations and their workforces have skills and knowledge to effectively prevent violence against women.

Prevention initiatives are informed by voices of women.

Priority Three – Improve women’s sexual and reproductive health

Women in the EMR benefit from coordinated action to address their sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Women in EMR have improved access to reproductive choices.

Priority Four – Strengthen our dynamic and sustainable organisation

Women’s Health East is a leader in women’s health.

Women’s Health East is a strong and sustainable organisation.

Download our current 2017-2021 Strategic Plan:

WHE Strategic Plan 2017-2021 (pdf)

WHE Strategic Plan 2017-2021 (Word)