The Together For Equality & Respect Strategy: Preventing Violence Against Women in Melbourne’s East 2021-2025 is the latest four-year strategy developed by the TFER Partnership. It outlines the case for action and sets a strategic framework for the activities of the TFER Leadership Group, TFER Partners and Women’s Health East.
In recognition of the well-established knowledge base that forms the foundation of our work in the primary prevention of violence against women, this is a short, high level Strategy. It builds upon the 2013-2017 and 2017-2021 TFER Strategy documents, which contain a more detailed narrative that is still relevant today.
The TFER Strategy 2021-2025 is both a planning framework and an advocacy tool that sets the scene for growth and more advanced actions over the next four years. It is based on the understanding that gender inequality is an underlying driver of violence against women and that advancing gender equality in public and private life will help to end violence against women.
Our hope is that this Strategy will inspire and support organisations, community groups and entities across the Eastern Metropolitan Region (EMR) to reflect, plan, and take steps to promote gender equality and equal and respectful relationships within their organisations and through their spheres of influence.
Click here to read the Together for Equality & Respect Strategy 2017-2021.
Click here to read the Together for Equality & Respect Strategy 2013-2017