In 2020, the Together for Equality & Respect (TFER) partnership and VicHealth, with the support of the Outer East PCP, engaged Common Cause Australia to research and identify the most effective way to create messages that increase public support for gender equality. The findings have been collated into the Framing Gender Equality Messaging Guide.
This guide provides a series of guidelines and sample messages highlighting the most effective way to present gender equality messages. It is intended that this will help practitioners to boost support for gender equality initiatives in Australia.
The guide is intended for people working to create a more equal and just society for women and girl across all settings – including workplaces, leadership, sport, media, early childhood and parenting. This includes those seeking to build greater public support for systemic solutions to gender inequality through policy and organisational change, as well as those working on individual behaviour change initiatives.
Download the Framing Gender Equality Messaging Guide.