
2024 Annual General Meeting: Advancing intersectional gender equality through inclusive primary prevention

Women’s Health East is excited to announce that our keynote speaker for our 2024 Annual General Meeting is Dr Niki Vincent, Victoria’s first Public Sector Gender Equality Commissioner. Dr Vincent will join Women’s Health East as we showcase our work over the past year to advance intersectional gender equality through inclusive primary prevention.

Dr Vincent oversees the implementation of the Gender Equality Act 2020 and plays a key leadership role in promoting gender equality in the Victorian community and workplaces.

Dr Vincent has a wealth of experience in gender equality and organisational leadership. This includes serving as the South Australian Commissioner for Equal Opportunity from 2016–2020. Prior to that, she held the position of CEO of the Leaders Institute of South Australia and was a member of the Remuneration Tribunal of South Australia. Dr Vincent has established two successful not-for-profit organisations, has led major programs of academic research, and holds an appointment as an Adjunct Associate Professor in UniSA’s Business School.

Dr Vincent sits on the boards of InTouch Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence and the Brave Foundation, which supports teenage parents (she was a teenage parent herself). She has 4 adult children, a young adult foster daughter, 2 young adult stepchildren and 11 grandchildren. She spends her sparse free time with her partner, family, and friends, and enjoys hiking, films, Radio National podcasts, music, gardening, yoga and camping in remote places.

Women’s Health East’s 2024 Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 12 November 2024 (10am – 11:30am), online via Zoom.

Register via Humanitix: Women’s Health East AGM.

This event will be live captioned. Please contact us at health@whe.org.au as soon as practicable with other accessibility requirements so that we can do our best to ensure that requirements are met.

We look forward to your company on Tuesday 12 November at 10:00am.

Money Matters Webinar Series

Free lunchtime money information sessions for women of all ages

Women’s Health East warmly invites you to attend our free lunchtime money information sessions.

Whether you have just moved into your first share house or are entering retirement, the free Money Matters sessions are designed for women of every age and stage. You will better understand key financial topics and know where to get help if you need it, enabling you to take control of your finances and your future.

With the rising costs of food, utilities, housing and interest rates, many of us are feeling the financial pressures of the current cost of living. In times like these, having the knowledge and skills to effectively manage your money can play a vital role in securing your ongoing financial wellbeing.

Join Women’s Health East and an accredited financial counsellor as we talk through a number of money management topics. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions.

Four Wednesday lunchtime sessions will be held online via Zoom and will cover:

  Session 1:

Budgets, bills and savings – Managing the cost of living

Session 1 Fact Sheet can be downloaded here:

PDF – Session-1-Fact-Sheet-Budgets-Bills-and-Savings.pdf

Word – Session-1-Fact-Sheet-Budgets-Bills-and-Savings.docx

Session 2:

Demystifying Superannuation and Insurance

Session 2 Fact Sheet can be downloaded here:



  Session 3:

Life stage finances – Planning for the now and the future

Session 3 Fact Sheet can be downloaded here:



 Session 4:

The dynamics of debt – Understanding and managing what you owe

Session 4 Fact Sheet can be downloaded here:



You are welcome to attend one or all webinars.

They are designed to complement each other but equally can be attended alone. Please register for each session separately.

The Money Matters webinar series is for women and gender diverse people of all ages.

For more information please contact Vanessa Czerniawski, Health Promotion Coordinator, Women’s Health East – vczerniawski@whe.org.au


Culture, Gender, Race & Sexual and Reproductive Health Webinar Series

Women’s Health East warmly invites you to attend our two webinars focusing on the intersectionality, special considerations and practical implications when working with migrant and refugee communities on sensitive topics, such as sexual and reproductive health.

These webinars provide an opportunity to move beyond discussions on singular health or social topics and instead delve deeper into exploring the often-overlooked intersectionality and the nuances of working with migrant and refugee women.

The Culture, Gender, Race and Sexual and Reproductive Health webinar series features knowledgeable guest speakers who have extensive experiences working with migrant and refugee women on sexual and reproductive health.

Speakers include:

  • Piergiorgio Moro, MHSS Coordinator, Multicultural Health & Support Service
  • Alexandria Somirs, Training Officer, Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health


  Webinar 1:

Unveiling Taboo- Culture, Gender, Race & Sexual and Reproductive Health

Tuesday 23 April 1:30-3 pm

  • How to Engage Multicultural Communities and talk about sensitive topics
  • Manage Diverse Expectations
  • Culture, Race and Gender
  • Intersectionality.

Register here: Unveiling Taboo – Culture, Gender, Race & Sexual and Reproductive Health Tickets, Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 1:30 PM | Eventbrite

Webinar 2:

Beyond Theory – Culture, Gender, Race & Sexual and Reproductive Health

Tuesday 30 April, 10-11:30 am

  • Intersectionality and Advocacy in Practice
  •  Sexual and Reproductive Health and Migrant & Refugee Women
  •  Panel Discussion with Case Studies.

Register here: Beyond Theory – Culture, Gender, Race & Sexual and Reproductive Health Tickets, Tue, Apr 30, 2024 at 10:00 AM | Eventbrite


You are welcome to attend one or both webinars.

They are designed to complement each other but equally can be attended alone. Please register for each session separately.

Who should attend?

We welcome all people who are interested in these topics, especially health professionals who would like to gain a deeper understanding of the unique considerations when working with migrant and refugee women on sexual and reproductive health matters. This includes but is not limited to practitioners from community health services, hospitals, general practice, Women’s health services, local and state government, and university students.

We also welcome health professionals who work in other health areas, such as mental health, gender equality and prevention of violence against women . These webinars will provide a great opportunity to explore the intersections of sexual and reproductive health with their work areas, such as reproductive coercion and sexual abuse.

If you have any questions or need any help with registration, please contact Lingzhi Ruan from Women’s Health East lruan@whe.org.au.