Voices for Change
A guide to implementing a media advocacy program for the prevention of violence against women.
Violence against women happens in every community, suburb and town, and the voices of survivors need to be heard if we are to end violence against women. A media advocacy program enables women who have experienced violence to share their stories with the public through the media and other community advocacy engagements.
Building on our expertise in leading the Speaking Out program, Women’s Health East was engaged by Our Watch and VicHealth to develop Voices for Change.
Voices for Change: A Media Advocacy Program for the Prevention of Violence Against Women is a step-by-step guide with resources to enable organisations to plan and develop their own Media Advocacy Program with one unequivocal goal: to end violence against women.
Voices for Change is comprised on two essential documents – an Implementation Guide and Facilitator Training Manual.
The Voices for Change Implementation Guide shares the practical experience of organisations in Australia that have pioneered media advocacy work. It outlines how to establish a Media Advocacy Program that can be shaped to your organisation, with women who have different experiences of violence.
Click on the relevant sections to download and read, or alternatively, download the full guide including appendices/resources.
Voices for Change Implementation Guide – full version
Section 2: History and current context
Section 3: Why media advocacy?
Section 4: Is media advocacy for you?
Section 6: Working with advocates
Section 7: Creating and managing media advocacy opportunities
A companion resource to the Implementation Guide is the Voices for Change Facilitator Training Manual on how to run media advocacy training sessions with women who have experienced family violence or sexual assault. It includes practical tools and resources that can be used as a part of the training sessions.
If you would like a copy of the Voices for Change Facilitator Training Manual, please contact Kristine Olaris on 9851 3700 or kolaris@whe.org.au